In all Windows versions, you can use the keyboard to open My Computer without using the mouse. Pressing the shortcut keys Windows key+Eopens My Computer (Explorer). Your computer's drives and any installed
devices are listed under the "This PC" section on the left. or 1. Get to the Windows desktop and open StarIn all Windows versions, you can use the keyboard to open My Computer without using the mouse. Pressing the shortcut keys Windows key+Eopens My Computer (Explorer). Your computer's drives and any installed devices are listed under the "This PC" section on the left. or 1. Get to the Windows desktop and open StarIn all Windows versions, you can use the keyboard to open My Computer without using the mouse. Pressing the shortcut keys Windows key+Eopens My Computer (Explorer). Your computer's drives and any installed devices are listed under the "This PC" section on the left. or 1. Get to the Windows desktop and open StarIn all Windows versions, you can use the keyboard to open My Computer without using the mouse. Pressing the shortcut keys Windows key+Eopens My Computer (Explorer). Your computer's drives and any installed devices are listed under the "This PC" section on the left. or 1. Get to the Windows desktop and open StarIn all Windows versions, you can use the keyboard to open My Computer without using the mouse. Pressing the shortcut keys Windows key+Eopens My Computer (Explorer). Your computer's drives and any installed devices are listed under the "This PC" section on the left. or 1. Get to the Windows desktop and open StarIn all Windows versions, you can use the keyboard to open My Computer without using the mouse. Pressing the shortcut keys Windows key+Eopens My Computer (Explorer). Your computer's drives and any installed devices are listed under the "This PC" section on the left. or 1. Get to the Windows desktop and open StarIn all Windows versions, you can use the keyboard to open My Computer without using the mouse. Pressing the shortcut keys Windows key+Eopens My Computer (Explorer). Your computer's drives and any installed devices are listed under the "This PC" section on the left. or 1. Get to the Windows desktop and open StarIn all Windows versions, you can use the keyboard to open My Computer without using the mouse. Pressing the shortcut keys Windows key+Eopens My Computer (Explorer). Your computer's drives and any installed devices are listed under the "This PC" section on the left. or 1. Get to the Windows desktop and open Star

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